Unicatt with Matera | 01 dicembre 2019

Università Cattolica meets Matera 2019

Milan to Matera

There is a common thread that unites Università Cattolica to Matera 2019, beyond the personal bond with Dr. Paolo Verri, alumnus and Director General of the Matera - Basilicata 2019 Foundation. The University has, in fact, jointly developed with the Toniolo Institute and the Foundation a project for the cultural and social development of the entire region and the enhancement of young Lucanians.

The collaboration is based on two lines of activity. The first, called "LUCANIA FUTURELAB", aims to support students from Matera and Basilicata in the development of ideas and structuring projects with a view to the development of the Lucanian territory and the enhancement of the local cultural, tangible and intangible heritage. The second, called "MATER MATERA", is mainly developed at the University of Milan of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and aims to promote cultural, artistic, literary and cinematographic events that connote the history and identity of Basilicata and Matera. 

Università Cattolica meets Matera 2019
