Strategic Partner & Investor, Px3 Partners | Economics and Commerce

Massimiliano Pogliani

Massimiliano Pogliani, graduated in Economics and Business, has a long managerial career in both Italian and international companies. After a long period abroad, he returned to Italy to take on the role of CEO at illycaffè.

Was your choice of Università Cattolica significant in your educational and professional path?

The training I received at Università Cattolica was fundamental: it gave me a solid and wide-ranging preparation. A preparation that I would define as "diesel", because for a person inclined to look at the long term, a solid path can give valid foundations for the entire life and career path. I graduated in Economics and Commerce, specialising in Management and Administration: therefore a specialization focused on marketing and sales. Yet, thanks to the complete and versatile training developed at Cattolica, I have been able to cover different roles. Today's world, and not only in work, requires constant eclecticism: the ability to connect different expertise, embrace multiple areas, adapt to the speed of change knowing how to disregard one's specialization. The preparation I received at Università Cattolica allowed me to develop these attitudes.

What was your career path?

Once I graduated, I started my professional career in both Italian and foreign companies, also following some international projects until I finally moved abroad, to Switzerland, to work in a large multinational. After 10 years in Switzerland I moved to London, where I worked for another 5 years. In 2016 I returned to Italy, attracted by the opportunity to take over the operational leadership of a world-leading quality company, illycaffè, of which I am CEO.

Is it possible to discern an identity value of a Catholic education ?

For me, being Università Cattolica has a profound meaning in the formation of the person as a whole and in the cultivation of values that pre-exist and preside over managerial skills. Just to give an example, theology exams are not a foregone conclusion: they open up a different perspective even to those who are not believers or practitioners: they illuminate and complete the cycle of studies, placing knowledge in a non-contingent context. They teach philanthropy, respect for others, the economy as exchange and community growth and not as a mere utilitarian transaction or, worse, selfish prevarication over the weakest or least equipped.

As an alumnus, do you still feel connected to your university? Is there a possible exchange between the University and its alumni?

Since my graduation, now long gone, Università Cattolica has always remained in my heart. Going back there is always a plunge to the heart. I have always supported the quality and value of the university, so much so that I encouraged my nephew to study Economics at Università Cattolica as I did. She has already obtained her undergraduate degree with honors and will continue with her master's degree. I'm thrilled to see myself in him. As a former student, I believe that a lot can be done to cultivate and strengthen the community and give it more visibility. The future of Cattolica is also based on the experience, love and pride of those who have come out of it, and do not cease to feel part of it.

The Interview

Massimiliano Pogliani spoke during the Open Day of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce, which took place on 12 May 2018 at the Largo Gemelli campus.

Massimiliano Pogliani
